There are many customers use wood pulp and other clean raw material to produce tissue paper, toilet paper. For this, we have M.C. hydrapulper machine for tissue paper making line. It is mainly used for clean raw material, such as wood pulp, virgin pulp. Certainly, we also supply the complete set of pulping equipment for tissue paper mill.
1. Pulp consistency: 5%-8%
2. Type: ZDS series
3. Production capacity: 40-1100t/d (equipped with 10 type to meet your different demands)
4. Advantages: energy saving S type rotor, adjustable gap between rotor and sieve plate guarantee the pulping effect.
Expect M.C hydrapulper machine, we also have other pulper, like D type hydrapulper, H.C hydrapulper, drum pulper for tissue paper making line. Do you want to know how to choose these machine in your project? Do you want to get more benefits for your business?
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