Leizhan Machinery

Pulp Chest Agitator Mixer Cost

As a manufacturer and supplier, we supply pulp chest agitator mixer with great cost for pulp and paper making line. Many people from paper mill adopted it and were very satisfied with our machine.

Pulp Chest Agitator Mixer Cost Specification

1. Equipment: agitator/mixer/propeller
2. Application: stir pulp cyclically in chest to maintain the pulp liquid in suspending condition.
3. Features: ensure pulp componenets even distribution. The angle also can be adjusted according to the slurry concentration.
4. Consistency: equal or less than 5%
5. Certification: ISO, CE, etc.
6. Model: JB series
7. Cost: less price and more valuable than others
8. Advantages: professional technology, advanced blade design, perfect effect, etc.

About pulp chest agitator mixer, you will get its using effect, cost, details. For paper making line, we also have whole set of machinery. Welcome to email or message us.

Our email: leizhanpulper@gmail.com

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